Tag Archive for: solarincentives

SB 1374 removes a burdensome barrier and restores the ability for customers to self-consume the energy they produce on their property.

A bill that would restore the ability of schools, shopping centers, farms and apartment building owners to use the power they generate with their own rooftop solar systems passed in the California State Senate last week and was sent to the Assembly.

Senate Bill (SB) 1374, authored by Sen. Josh Becker, D-Menlo Park, would reverse a California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) decision last year that prevented numerous types of solar panel owners with multiple meters from using the electricity they generated to offset what they purchased from Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG&E) and other power companies.

The bill was approved 28-7 on May 20.

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Source: The Independent

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Having rooftop solar is very important. Here are a few letters to the editor regarding cutting incentives for rooftop solar.

To the editor: As a resident of California who is concerned about the effects of climate change, I am totally baffled by the debate over how the state should address replacing fossil fuel power generation with solar energy. (“California strikes another blow against rooftop solar,” Nov. 16)

It appears that Gov. Gavin Newsom has mixed feelings on the issue. He recently went to China and discussed climate change, and after he returned every one of his appointees to the California Public Utilities Commission voted to approve reducing incentives for installing rooftop solar.

This is a survival issue, not a monetary one. I am currently installing power with battery storage at my home, and the cost is extremely high. By my math, the payback would never meet any corporate rate of return hurdle. I am doing it because it is my small contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Click here to read the full article
Source: Los Angeles Times

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Environmental groups argue that the CPUC acted illegally when it slashed compensation payments for power generated by solar panels.

The fate of California’s wildly successful rooftop solar incentives will be decided in court.

In a lawsuit filed Wednesday — and shared exclusively with The Times — three environmental groups argue that the California Public Utilities Commission acted illegally when it slashed compensation payments for power generated by solar panels. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s appointees failed to consider all the benefits of rooftop solar, and also ignored instructions from the state Legislature to ensure that solar adoption “continues to grow sustainably,” the environmental groups say in their lawsuit.

They’ve asked the California Court of Appeals to throw out the Public Utilities Commission’s December decision and order the agency to go back to the drawing board.

Click here to read the full article
Source: Los Angeles Times

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