Tag Archive for: california

CAISO hit a record battery discharge of 8.3 GW on October 9, with 177 GW in the energy storage queue and 1.9 GW expected by year-end.

The California Independent System Operator (CAISO), which manages about 80% of California’s electricity, has connected 10.219 GW of utility-scale energy storage to its managed power grid as of the first day of October this year.

The data was released as part of the ISO’s Key Statistics report for September 2024. The 10.2 GW value was a 0.9 GW increase from August’s 9.3 GW on the grid, and a greater than 3 GW jump from the 7.1 GW that was connected as of the state of 2024.

In the month following energy storage capacity records being set, there are now battery use records being set. According to Gridstatus.io’s record page, CAISO has set multiple battery charge and discharge records in the six days prior to this article being written.

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Source: PV Magazine

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Centennial is designed to be a master-planned, environmentally friendly town that addresses the pressing issue of climate change.

A planned community in California aims to set a benchmark for sustainable living in the face of global warming.

Centennial, located in the northwestern part of Los Angeles County, is designed to be a master-planned, environmentally friendly town that addresses the pressing issue of climate change by integrating green technologies and sustainable urban planning from the ground up.

Environmental Focus

Centennial is a massive master-planned community set to occupy approximately 12,000 acres and designed to accommodate 19,333 homes (18 percent earmarked as affordable), along with commercial spaces, schools, and parks.

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Source: Newsweek

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Reflect Orbital aims to revolutionize solar power by capturing, storing, and trading sunlight, extending its use beyond daylight hours.

Reflect Orbital, a start-up from California is setting out to revolutionize the capacity of solar power, potentially altering global energy use and storage patterns. The venture involves capturing, storing, and trading sunlight, moving solar power beyond daylight and into the dark.

This new approach could shift our reliance away from non-renewable energies towards more sustainable solar solutions. The stored sunlight could ease the pressure on energy grids after sunset, offering environmental and economic benefits.

The project has been met with enthusiasm among industry insiders and tech enthusiasts. The idea is considered unorthodox, as it uses energy storage technology to collect surplus solar power during the day and use it at night. Trials have dispelled initial skepticism, paving the way for a new approach to renewable energy and the global energy crisis.

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Source: Killer Startups

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1.9 million solar panels and 120,000 batteries at a California facility helped the state surpass 10,000 MW of photovoltaic storage in April.

Mark Rothleder, the vice president of the independent grid operator, California ISO (CAISO), said earlier this year that they will add another 1,134 megawatts in the first eight months of 2024. This is growth on top of the leap made last year. “In 2023 alone, the ISO successfully onboarded 5,660 megawatts of new power to the grid,” Rothleder said at a conference in San Diego…

Renewable production was enough to supply the grid on 40 out of 48 days this spring, compared to seven days in the whole of last year. Lithium batteries appear to be undercutting the use of fossil fuels. Gas accounts for 40% of California’s grid. However, its use in April registered its lowest proportion in seven years. “The data clearly shows that batteries are displacing natural gas when solar generation is ramping up and down each day in CAISO,” notes an analysis by Grid Status, a firm specializing in energy issues. Natural gas was king on the grid in April 2021, 2022 and 2023. CAISO was sending between 9,000 and 10,000 megawatts produced from gas to the grid once solar ran out. Last April, however, it amounted to only 5,000 megawatts… [California’s goal: run on 100% renewable energy by 2045.]

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Source: Slashdot

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California lawmakers unveiled measures to streamline renewable energy projects and reduce monthly electric bills.

California lawmakers unveiled a series of measures Wednesday meant to streamline renewable energy development and lower the cost of monthly electric bills, as this year’s legislative session reached the pinnacle of a frenzied final week.

One could put about $30 in the pockets of California’s roughly 17 million customers of investor-owned utilities, Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric.

After months of negotiations and pledges from leaders to prioritize the issue, seven bills were released on the last day possible. Gov. Gavin Newsom encountered significant challenges in recent weeks to his proposals to lower energy bills and thwart gas price spikes.

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Source: The Sacramento Bee

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CA’s new centralized procurement strategy will solicit 1GW of multiday storage & 1GW of 12hr-plus storage for deployment between 2031 & 2037.

Dive Insight:

The forthcoming solicitations are part of a centralized procurement strategy authorized in a law passed by the California legislature earlier this year. The California Department of Water Resources will lead the procurement through its Statewide Energy Office, which focuses on “emerging and existing technologies that need scaling to lower costs,” the CPUC said.

The CPUC advised DWR to conduct a series of solicitations and evaluate bids for quality, cost, and risk, subject to a CPUC review.

Having one agency lead the procurement “will streamline the acquisition of advanced energy resources, potentially lowering future costs for ratepayers and accelerating the development timeline for clean energy technologies,” the CPUC said.

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Source: Utility Dive

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California aims for carbon-neutral energy by 2045, requiring increased clean energy production and storage capacity.

California has a stated goal of making its energy production carbon neutral by 2045 — but in order to accomplish that goal, it will need to ramp up both its clean energy production and its clean energy storage capacity.

Now, efforts to turn an oil field into a geological thermal energy storage facility could be a big step in the right direction, YaleEnvironment360 reported.

Kern County has long relied on its oil fields for jobs. Now, with dirty, polluting energy sources like oil going out of fashion, the county is looking to turn toward clean energy production and storage instead.

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Source: TCD

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The LGP option will be the 1st state-wide implementation of emerging “flexible interconnection” innovations for distribution system resources

Efforts are accelerating to address the obstacles to interconnecting large distribution system resources like community solar and big box store rooftop solar arrays, advocates of recent reforms report.

Distribution system-connected resources, especially those in the 1 MW to 5 MW range, can offer flexibility to meet electricity demand spikes without requiring significant power system upgrades, the advocates said. But costs to increase system carrying capacity under current interconnection practices make many projects that require system upgrades uneconomic, they added.

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Source: Utility Dive

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Premier Resource Management LLC is transforming a 560-acre former oil reservoir in the San Joaquin Valley into a geothermal power plant that also stores renewable energy

Part of the solution to California’s ambitious decarbonization goals may, ironically enough, be found in the state’s oil patch.

On a 560-acre plot of land in a dusty portion of the San Joaquin Valley, Premier Resource Management LLC has partnered with some of the nation’s top energy laboratories on a pilot program to take an abandoned oil reservoir and convert it to a geothermal power plant that can also store renewable energy underground for weeks at a time, instead of just a few hours.

The electricity at the site could flow to an already existing substation nearby, with the megawatts then dispersed into California’s power grid.

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Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune

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GCSE’s Valley Clean Infrastructure Plan would enable family farms to lease land for clean energy projects and increase water efficiency

California community choice aggregator MCE and developer Golden State Clean Energy (GSCE) have partnered to work on a solar and storage project in California, the first in a plan to install up 20GW of solar and 20GW of storage.

MCE and GSCE will work on a solar and battery energy storage system (BESS) project as part of a development programme known as the Valley Clean Infrastructure Plan.

The Valley Clean Infrastructure Plan aims to repurpose up to 130,000 acres of drainage-impaired or water-challenged lands in the Westlands Water District in Fresno County. The District is the largest agricultural water district in the US at 614,000 acres, or 2,400 square kilometres, and serves the agricultural sector.

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Source: Energy Storage News

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